Gary Hale Bicycles
Human powered vehicle manufacturers since 1977
Now selling Glider recumbents
A revolutionary new recumbent bicycle
design made by Gary Hale Bicycles

Custom vehicle building
Let us build your custom design for you. If all you have is a rough
idea of what you want we will finish the
plans. If you have everything worked out we can build it. Send sketches
or drawings to us and we will provide a quote. You may mail, fax or
email to the location below. All information is treated as confidential.
Picture gallery
Pictures of regular bicycles,
recumbent bicycles, recumbent tricycles,
blimps, hand and foot power machines of all kinds...
History of Gary Hale Bicycles
My first unusual bike was built in 1975...
Contact information:
Gary Hale Bicycles
94340 Horton Road
Blachly OR 97412
541-925-4130 Fax and phone